第二届聊城市国际贸易业务员技能竞赛圆满成功 The second Liaocheng international trade salesmen's skill competition was a complete success



第二届聊城市国际贸易业务员技能竞赛圆满成功 ThesecondLiaochenginternationaltradesalesmen'sskillcompetitionwasacompletesuccess 2019年10月17日,聊城市商务和投资促进局于聊城职业技术学院举办第二届聊城市国际贸易业务员技能竞赛,聊城市商务和投资促进局刘明霞科长出席并致词。 OnOctober17,2019,Liao

The second Liaocheng international trade salesmen's skill competition was a complete success
On October 17, 2019, Liaocheng Municipal Bureau of Commerce and investment promotion held the second Liaocheng international trade salesman skills competition at Liaocheng vocational and technical college. Liu Mingxia, section chief of Liaocheng Municipal Bureau of Commerce and investment promotion attended and delivered a speech.
此次竞赛旨在为贯彻落实全省“当好主力军、聚力新动能、建功新时代”的劳动竞赛精神,全面提升我市外经贸系统职工队伍整体技能素质为目标,积极开展多层次、多形式的职业技能竞赛,大力弘扬劳模精神、 劳动精神、工匠精神,激励引导我市外经贸系统广大外贸业务人员不断学习新知识,钻研新技术,掌握新技能,创造新成果,努力建设一支规模宏大的知识型、技能型、创新型劳动者大军,为推动我市外向型经济持续健康发展提供人才支持、技能支撑和智力保障。
The purpose of this competition is to carry out the labor competition spirit of "being a good main force, gathering new energy and building a new era" in the whole province, comprehensively improve the overall skill quality of the staff team of our city's foreign economic and trade system, actively carry out multi-level and multi-form professional skill competition, vigorously promote the spirit of labor model, labor spirit and craftsman spirit, and encourage and guide our city's foreign economic and trade system. Foreign trade business personnel keep learning new knowledge, studying new technology, mastering new skills and creating new achievements, and strive to build a large-scale army of knowledge-based, skill based and innovative workers, so as to provide talent support, skill support and intellectual support for promoting the sustainable and healthy development of export-oriented economy in our city.
The competition is centered on the training of basic knowledge of international trade, foreign trade business consultation and Oral Business English skills. The content is very rich. The trainees study hard and answer questions actively. This training provides a good guide and platform for foreign trade enterprises to "go out".
Foreign trade enterprises are the main force in the development of export-oriented economy. All foreign trade enterprises actively participate, strive to improve themselves, seize opportunities, meet challenges, create a new situation for the development of enterprises, and compose a new chapter in the development of foreign trade in our city!

